HanoverPictures – Paul Dudbridge

So to search for him was in a way accidental. I start my research for a project like anyother and come across this talented freelance lightind cameraman and director who produces others work and even his own. The thing that keeps me interested is something as small as the fact that he first started by wanting to produce just short films and i can relate to it. And it is just amazing to see how you can take turns in this industry and how you can change.

When looking on some of his work i wanted to try and contact him to ask a few questions. So i thought the best way was to email him, as to try and not bother him as much as possible.So i sent him the following email :
I am a 1st year Filmmaking student at UWE University and i am required to do an analytical research for the media that surrounds Bristol. And i was wondering if you could answer a few simple questions for my research. As i think you are very busy , not wanting to disturb you, perhaps it would be best to ask you here on this email. If you cannot it is understandable.
1)How do you find Bristol as your main headquarters for your company? (Do you have clients often?)
2)When did you first start your company?
3)Does what you do make you happy?
4)How come you are located in Bristol?Are you from Bristol?
5)Would you work on a project with a writer with no pay to maybe create something that has potential of “making it”?

Thank you for your time sincerely
Domenic Moliva
once i’ve sent him this email i thought it would be a good idea if i where to send to the other companies, i have researched, the same email to see if i can get a full range scope of answers and oppinios for my questions.

Day 3 after sending the email…still no reply…

Just came across a compilation of some of his lighting cameraman work on youtube. Should include it in “Bristol – My Media City”
Click Here to see it
also some of his work as a drama director
“Ashes” (2013) – Short film : Click Here to see it


This was a lovely experience. to work on this project with the rest of the people on group D2 and find something we all had in-common.That was Castle park and so we chose it!

On the first day we met up we kind of wanted to do a love story after some brain storming i come up with the idea of a serial killer trying to give a sense of space in his tiny appartment where he kills his victims threw a series of rituals he performs including taking a photo of the victim just before he does what he does.we where going to shoot this the next day but the weather wasn’t taking a bus going to Bower Ashton friendly so no one went.The day after that someone in the group called the rest of us and told us we can’t use characters nor music voiceover or a general story.the rest of us had known that something like that where in the requirements so we decided to give a sense of space threw a place we all have the same feeling towards it. We talked about many places where some of us loved and others hated and this went on and on until a group member suggested castle park as a joke but not long after that this made sense to us all.2 days after that we met up in castle park where we took some photos, shot some footage of castle park and recorded sounds from all around.

Here are some pictures of the shooting day

IMG_3273 IMG_3274 IMG_3275 IMG_3276 IMG_3277 IMG_3278 IMG_3283 IMG_3286 IMG_3287 IMG_3289 IMG_3309 IMG_3311 IMG_3312

Group D2 – SISE Final


The final project had to be a 2 minute short film that explores a chosen location through a combination of sound, moving image and photography. We chose to shoot at “Castle park”. The reasons for choosing castle park is because it is the one place we all have incommon
we are all different to one another, with different backgrounds and identities but when its comes to where we like to hang out and relax.
When we started creating the idea for the 2 minute film we had discussions as a group, and ended up deciding that we wouldn’t use any extra music, or something that was not 100 % ours,Even the colorcorecting was very limited, and this was because we agreed that we should keep it as genuine as possible. Also because we where not allowed to use dialogue, voice-over or subtitles we thought that we are given a chance to create hopefully an experience of castle park with out having to be there and if done right the audience could be taken away and relax for just a minute or two. When we presented our work to the rest of our class i really believe that our goal was achieved.If we had more time and if from the very begining we had a better grasp at the projects requirements i believe we could have created an even better result with much more detail to both sound and image (moving and still), this way enhancing our intentions for our audiences experience in this project.

“Buddy” team Evaluation

By watching our buddy team’s project you notice the first person point of view.Though i’m not sure i fully understand the meaning just by seeing that one time i’ll give it a go by the notes i managed to take at the screening.It starts off with a fire alarm waking up the main character he then goes out to his levely town bristol and has fun.He then goes back home and falls to sleep his day now being done.His friends come knocking on his door but he can’t hear them. He later then opens his eyes because of the fire alarm but closes his eyes and falls to sleep again.it fades to black and the room is then empty.Giving me to understand that the second time the fire alarm went off was an
actual fire.The shots where descent, the sounds where ok but did not sound as pre-recorded material. Story wise it was a bit confusing, perhaps they could have  chosen a story easier to tell threw out the period of 2 minutes or tried different approaches for a clearer understanding of the end.

Media Futures – Research

If you had the pleasure to read this blog on the extend of other subjects such as the Sise projects
you’ll read threw out it about a difficult beginning i had starting off in Bristol,
so that being a big piece of how i’m still co-oping with things at this lovely new city i keep on using this feeling as an inspiration
which leads to the idea of creating something new…

Media futures! So before i knew my team or which team i would eventually end up working with i knew that i wanted a subject that if all agreed would show how it could bring so many different types of people and characters work together and create hopefully presentable work. At first i started out by searching online for some of Bristol’s thriving independent media scenes such as The Watershed Media Center, E3 media and many others!This really helped me to narrow down my first idea for this project which was to collectively gather information about some of these independent media productions company, set up a meeting with respective representatives of the said company and threw that interview with them gather enough footage to create a professional looking documentary no longer than four minutes and consist about how they see Bristol and its media landscape and how should we approach it as young filmmakers?To do this my group and i would have to book-out equipment so we could record the footage, the dialogue and then edit it all together to get the finished result.
My original groups name was none other than group 10!But by the time i was able to go in and work with that said group they had already began and almost finished their project with-out me(fully understandable) so i went and talked about it with my friend Shadrack who also was a student who came in late at this course and was in group 8 who had just started their project. I went to the uni found Abigail(one of the tutors) in the F block and asked her would it be alright to work with in another group for the Media futures project she said it was fine as long as the group doesn’t mind. I was pleased to work with group 8 even if my role was to do camera work because it really consisted on all that i had in-mind.NOT! These guys had a completely different point of view upon doing this project!the told me they wanted to do it more of a mockumentary than an actual documentary!To me this sounded as….THE BEST IDEA EVER!i liked the light sarcastic part of it!i enjoyed shooting it and creating a working relationship with my peers soon after this becoming my friends.

For the Mockumentary:  Click Here

Production Journal

The course that is film-making and creative media year 2013!

I can’t help but smile thinking back on these first four months! i can easily say that this must easily be one of the most fun courses there is I remember the first week i came in and did my first group work being a part of group D and did our first assignment “Live TV Studio” where we had to do a 4 minute long tv studio experience as a unit  where we would have 2 presenters for the show, two guests three camera men, a director, the producer and the auditor.I took the job of camera man No3 on that first assignment and enjoyed it more than i ever thought i would and had a great sense of team work which is exactly what we all needed if we where going to be able to get threw the rest of the module.

Second on the list?what first sounded as a joke!something that we thought was influenced clearly by the movie “Be kind Rewind”


and this was called “sweding” where we had to create a film without using any editing or post production of anysort and in a certain amount of time create a movie each group agrees on completely from memory! My group and i decided to go with none other than “The dark-Night rises” we cut some cardboard to make buildings a truck and batman’s motorbike as well as some guns. All of us where in charge of everything!we all did camera work, we all acted in it we all where in charge of set design and all did all. This experience though sounds easy was actually a bit challenging but none the less fun!

Another big aspect of this course was the media futures project where each group had to make a documentary after a certain amount of research
that would help you gather enough information about Bristol’s media landscape of practitioners and so help you create a synonymous idea as a
group. 1) It had to be around a 4 minute time period,
2) help you form a strong, creative working relationship with your peers
3) familiarize one’s self with Bristol’s media landscape


Later on the course we had a lecture and practical workshops that taught us how to build our own WordPress website that would be used as an online portfolio. (i know what you’re thinking…no way…and i’m like…yeah; we did)

The SISE projects Photography, Sound, Moving Image.
For the photography session of this assignment we where said to go out and meet at this cafe near the campus area where we met up with our tutor and she told us go out and find a place that is new to us that is unfamiliar and explore it to its depths, collect notes and after a predetermined said time head back to the coffee shop and share our views and opinions about the said place.After this was finished we where now asked to go out again but this time photograph things with a camera or our smartphones and perhaps the thing we decide to photograph, we can approach it again threw various angles giving and finding new meanings. After finishing with this we met up at the cafe once more, shared are photos and ideas with one another and where then told to head back to Bower Ashton to discuss about the sise project, and watch at artists who did this kind of thing in their pathway of art. Later on we had a meeting with our tutors to discuss our ideas and how where they developing.


For the Sound Session we where told to book equipment and head out at Harbourside where @Bristol is to discuss our next assignment.Once we arrived there Dominic Grant our tutor told us to head out but not record anything, instead we should find a familiar and unfamiliar place, sit at each, close our eyes for 30 minutes and really sink in all that is happening around you and get a sense of space and an experience new to many students! I did this in a group of 3 including myself.We went and sat at a beautiful fountain near where the ferryboat is to me this was my familiar place.I had come here before many times with a girl who i met when i just came at Bristol and we used to sit there all the time.


For my unfamiliar place, well that was easy cause i was fairly new at Bristol at that time everything was new!so i went to a now everyday passing of mine, the Bearpit roundabout where i went there with a friend and her guitar, and asked her to take a picture of me playing it
(musicians can be such attention seekers)


Then i sat and tried to do as our tutor had asked of us…to try and listen, not just hear. Another quote that i remember our tutor saying
distinctively was that “Our vission is very important though if you think about it, our eyes blink.So even for a moment they rest. Our ears though never blink.”  On another day i went back to those places and recorded sounds such as foot steps, a lighter lighting, traffic, conversations, plain wind and many more.

Bristol’s Media Landscape

New Vision Media
12 Tenon Building
Upper Sydney St

Tel: 0117 963 7213
Mobile: 07816 500 105
Email: info@newvisionmedia.co.uk  

Web: http://www.newvisionmedia.co.uk

“Find something you are good at  and then use that skill to help other people”, this philosophy has led to the creation of a very successful media business working for a wide range of clients.Over the years they’ve worked with a range of enthusiastic, creative, filmmakers and have developed a great working relationship. And it is this like-minded team of passionate filmmakers that now make up New Vision Media.

1 Canon’s Road

General Enquiries: 0117 927 6444   
Box Office: 0117 927 5100
Email: info@watershed.co.uk 

Web: http://www.watershed.co.uk

Watershed is a cross-artform venue and producer, sharing, developing and showcasing exemplary cultural ideas and talent. They are based in Bristol, but place no boundaries on their desire to connect with artists and audiences in the wider world.curate ideas, spaces and talent to enable artistic visions and creative collaborations to flourish. They produce work that cuts across film, music, theatre, design, visual art, and the creative and technology sectors.

Bath Road
Bristol, BS4 3EH
Tel: 0117 971 4466
Fax: 0117 971 4477
Email : @rockpooldigital.com

Web: http://www.rockpooldigital.com/

Rockpool is a young, full service digital agency. They’re energetic and fresh thinking with a wealth of in-house design and build expertise enjoying an excellent reputation for delivery. Their expertise lies in connecting brands with consumers in a meaningful way. They do this through the design and build of integrated experiences across web and mobile enabling businesses to engage customers, drive revenues and increase brand reputation. They focus on understanding our client’s business and stakeholder requirements so we can deliver highly relevant, customer focussed solutions.

St Nicholas House
31-34 High Street

Tel: 0117 315 5228
Email: hello@fiscodesign.co.uk 

Web: http://fiascodesign.co.uk

They’re a small team of illustrators, designers and developers who together form an award-winning creative design agency in Bristol. They use our mix of expertise to produce effective creative solutions that are exciting and memorable. Whether it’s web design, illustration or animation, we work in close partnership with our clients to gain an accurate understanding of their business and deliver according to their needs.

Happy Hour

The Picture House
4 Lower Park Row
Bristol, BS1 5BJ

Tel: +44 (0)117 929 9797
Fax: +44 (0)117 923 0862
Email: info@hhour.co.uk

Web: http://www.happyhourproductions.co.uk

Happy Hour is an award winning production company providing creative film production and animation production for clients and advertising agencies. This ranges from national TV commercial campaigns, both brand focused and direct response, to effective corporate communication films for a range of business sectors, from aerospace and finance to charity and public sector.

SISE – Research Practitioners

Sound – David Holmes


David Holmes born on 14 February 1969 was the youngest of 10 children in his family. David collected vinyl throughout his teenage years and became a club DJ at the age of 15. During his teenage years he worked as a fanzine writer, and a concert promoter and in his late teens and early 20’s he traveled across England and Ireland disc jockeying.Before beginning his musical career, Holmes worked as a hairdresser and chef. He also briefly owned and ran a cafe called Mogwai near the Queen’s University of Belfast and, since 2009, has run an intimate club in South Belfast called The Menagerie. His first hit was the 1992 track “De Niro” with Ashley Beedle which became a massive dance floor hit, sampling Ennio Morricone’s theme to the film “Once Upon A Time In America”. He released his first solo album “This Film’s Crap, Let’s Slash the Seats” in 1995 who at the time he described the album as being inspired by movies and movie soundtracks. David Holmes music has been displayed into various movies such as “Out of Sight “( Danny DeVito commissioned him to do the score) and “Ocean’s Eleven”. Also you can find David’s work in advertisements like in 2008 when he created the ad campaign for “The New iPhone”, in “ProEvolution Soccer 2010” and the Opening Ceremony of the “2012 Olympics”.

Some of his work

A bit more

Photography – Henri Cartier-Bresson


Cartier-Bresson was born in August 22 1908 and was was a French photographer who he helped develop the street photography(an art photography that features the human condition within public places). His father was a wealthy textile manufacturer, whose Cartier-Bresson thread was a staple of French sewing kits so where able to provide him with financial support to develop his interests in photography in a more independent manner. In 1927, at the age of 20, Cartier-Bresson entered a private art school and the Lhote Academy, the Parisian studio of the Cubist painter and sculptor André Lhote. Lhote took his pupils to the Louvre to study classical artists and to Parisian galleries to study contemporary art and because of it Cartier-Bresson’s interest in modern art was combined with an admiration for the works of the Renaissance. He often regarded Lhote as his teacher of “photography without a camera.” The great tragedy of Cartier-Bresson’s photography is that he gave up the craft entirely long before he died. In 1975, twenty-nine years before he died, he became bored with photography and turned his attention to painting. He locked his camera in a safe in his home and rarely even took it out so regardless of artistic direction if your goal isn’t to do anything other than enjoy it, then you will likely burn out after time.


Moving Image – Christopher Nolan


Christopher Nolan an acclaimed writer-director while studying English Literature at University College London, he shot 16mm films at UCL’s film society, where he learned the guerrilla techniques (a form of independent filmmaking where scenes are shot quickly in real locations without any warning, and without obtaining permission from the owners of the locations)he would later use to make his first feature, “Following” , on a budget of around $6,000. The noir thriller was recognized at a number of international film festivals prior to its theatrical release, and gained Nolan enough credibility that he was able to gather substantial financing for his next film.
After “Following” Nolan continued on making movies and gaining the respect of fellow directors but it wasn’t until 2005 his career sky-rocket, when he was given the chance to revive the Batman franchise. Nolan’s modern interpretation for the much adored character was greeted with praise from fans and critics alike. In 2010 he amazes once more his audience with the world wide blockbuster “Inception”  which he directed and produced from his own original screenplay. The earnings of the film where over $800 million dollars making it one of the most discussed and debated films of the year, thus receiving four Academy Awards and eight nominations, including Best Picture and Best Screenplay. Nolan was recognized by his peers with DGA and PGA Award nominations, as well as a WGA Award win for his work on the film.

His work

More work

SISE – Sound

“Sounds” interesting

On this assignment we where split into groups of 2 or 3 accordingly and where asked to find a familiar and unfamiliar place to record but most importantly to learn to listen and not simply hear. To myself this exercise reminded me a training exercise we did in the army where we had to sit still for hours listening to the sounds that surround us so we could be fully aware of the environment in case of an ambush. It is always exciting to see these kind of techniques being used to enlighten students, i find it a bit extremist but refreshing. For this project though i did not record with that said group, so i wondered and listened but threw-out my years as a musician
i have difficulty not finding the rhythm in sounds or even simple noises! To that effect i created in my head this plot. If this assignment is a mission that has to go well i shall find the rhythm in my surroundings and if the tones don’t much i’ll pitch them back and forth to create the soundtrack to this mission.

“Stop look and listen baby” as Elvis Presley says.

Finished track

click here