SISE – Research Practitioners

Sound – David Holmes


David Holmes born on 14 February 1969 was the youngest of 10 children in his family. David collected vinyl throughout his teenage years and became a club DJ at the age of 15. During his teenage years he worked as a fanzine writer, and a concert promoter and in his late teens and early 20’s he traveled across England and Ireland disc jockeying.Before beginning his musical career, Holmes worked as a hairdresser and chef. He also briefly owned and ran a cafe called Mogwai near the Queen’s University of Belfast and, since 2009, has run an intimate club in South Belfast called The Menagerie. His first hit was the 1992 track “De Niro” with Ashley Beedle which became a massive dance floor hit, sampling Ennio Morricone’s theme to the film “Once Upon A Time In America”. He released his first solo album “This Film’s Crap, Let’s Slash the Seats” in 1995 who at the time he described the album as being inspired by movies and movie soundtracks. David Holmes music has been displayed into various movies such as “Out of Sight “( Danny DeVito commissioned him to do the score) and “Ocean’s Eleven”. Also you can find David’s work in advertisements like in 2008 when he created the ad campaign for “The New iPhone”, in “ProEvolution Soccer 2010” and the Opening Ceremony of the “2012 Olympics”.

Some of his work

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Photography – Henri Cartier-Bresson


Cartier-Bresson was born in August 22 1908 and was was a French photographer who he helped develop the street photography(an art photography that features the human condition within public places). His father was a wealthy textile manufacturer, whose Cartier-Bresson thread was a staple of French sewing kits so where able to provide him with financial support to develop his interests in photography in a more independent manner. In 1927, at the age of 20, Cartier-Bresson entered a private art school and the Lhote Academy, the Parisian studio of the Cubist painter and sculptor André Lhote. Lhote took his pupils to the Louvre to study classical artists and to Parisian galleries to study contemporary art and because of it Cartier-Bresson’s interest in modern art was combined with an admiration for the works of the Renaissance. He often regarded Lhote as his teacher of “photography without a camera.” The great tragedy of Cartier-Bresson’s photography is that he gave up the craft entirely long before he died. In 1975, twenty-nine years before he died, he became bored with photography and turned his attention to painting. He locked his camera in a safe in his home and rarely even took it out so regardless of artistic direction if your goal isn’t to do anything other than enjoy it, then you will likely burn out after time.


Moving Image – Christopher Nolan


Christopher Nolan an acclaimed writer-director while studying English Literature at University College London, he shot 16mm films at UCL’s film society, where he learned the guerrilla techniques (a form of independent filmmaking where scenes are shot quickly in real locations without any warning, and without obtaining permission from the owners of the locations)he would later use to make his first feature, “Following” , on a budget of around $6,000. The noir thriller was recognized at a number of international film festivals prior to its theatrical release, and gained Nolan enough credibility that he was able to gather substantial financing for his next film.
After “Following” Nolan continued on making movies and gaining the respect of fellow directors but it wasn’t until 2005 his career sky-rocket, when he was given the chance to revive the Batman franchise. Nolan’s modern interpretation for the much adored character was greeted with praise from fans and critics alike. In 2010 he amazes once more his audience with the world wide blockbuster “Inception”  which he directed and produced from his own original screenplay. The earnings of the film where over $800 million dollars making it one of the most discussed and debated films of the year, thus receiving four Academy Awards and eight nominations, including Best Picture and Best Screenplay. Nolan was recognized by his peers with DGA and PGA Award nominations, as well as a WGA Award win for his work on the film.

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