Production Journal

The course that is film-making and creative media year 2013!

I can’t help but smile thinking back on these first four months! i can easily say that this must easily be one of the most fun courses there is I remember the first week i came in and did my first group work being a part of group D and did our first assignment “Live TV Studio” where we had to do a 4 minute long tv studio experience as a unit  where we would have 2 presenters for the show, two guests three camera men, a director, the producer and the auditor.I took the job of camera man No3 on that first assignment and enjoyed it more than i ever thought i would and had a great sense of team work which is exactly what we all needed if we where going to be able to get threw the rest of the module.

Second on the list?what first sounded as a joke!something that we thought was influenced clearly by the movie “Be kind Rewind”


and this was called “sweding” where we had to create a film without using any editing or post production of anysort and in a certain amount of time create a movie each group agrees on completely from memory! My group and i decided to go with none other than “The dark-Night rises” we cut some cardboard to make buildings a truck and batman’s motorbike as well as some guns. All of us where in charge of everything!we all did camera work, we all acted in it we all where in charge of set design and all did all. This experience though sounds easy was actually a bit challenging but none the less fun!

Another big aspect of this course was the media futures project where each group had to make a documentary after a certain amount of research
that would help you gather enough information about Bristol’s media landscape of practitioners and so help you create a synonymous idea as a
group. 1) It had to be around a 4 minute time period,
2) help you form a strong, creative working relationship with your peers
3) familiarize one’s self with Bristol’s media landscape


Later on the course we had a lecture and practical workshops that taught us how to build our own WordPress website that would be used as an online portfolio. (i know what you’re thinking…no way…and i’m like…yeah; we did)

The SISE projects Photography, Sound, Moving Image.
For the photography session of this assignment we where said to go out and meet at this cafe near the campus area where we met up with our tutor and she told us go out and find a place that is new to us that is unfamiliar and explore it to its depths, collect notes and after a predetermined said time head back to the coffee shop and share our views and opinions about the said place.After this was finished we where now asked to go out again but this time photograph things with a camera or our smartphones and perhaps the thing we decide to photograph, we can approach it again threw various angles giving and finding new meanings. After finishing with this we met up at the cafe once more, shared are photos and ideas with one another and where then told to head back to Bower Ashton to discuss about the sise project, and watch at artists who did this kind of thing in their pathway of art. Later on we had a meeting with our tutors to discuss our ideas and how where they developing.


For the Sound Session we where told to book equipment and head out at Harbourside where @Bristol is to discuss our next assignment.Once we arrived there Dominic Grant our tutor told us to head out but not record anything, instead we should find a familiar and unfamiliar place, sit at each, close our eyes for 30 minutes and really sink in all that is happening around you and get a sense of space and an experience new to many students! I did this in a group of 3 including myself.We went and sat at a beautiful fountain near where the ferryboat is to me this was my familiar place.I had come here before many times with a girl who i met when i just came at Bristol and we used to sit there all the time.


For my unfamiliar place, well that was easy cause i was fairly new at Bristol at that time everything was new!so i went to a now everyday passing of mine, the Bearpit roundabout where i went there with a friend and her guitar, and asked her to take a picture of me playing it
(musicians can be such attention seekers)


Then i sat and tried to do as our tutor had asked of us…to try and listen, not just hear. Another quote that i remember our tutor saying
distinctively was that “Our vission is very important though if you think about it, our eyes blink.So even for a moment they rest. Our ears though never blink.”  On another day i went back to those places and recorded sounds such as foot steps, a lighter lighting, traffic, conversations, plain wind and many more.