Media Futures – Research

If you had the pleasure to read this blog on the extend of other subjects such as the Sise projects
you’ll read threw out it about a difficult beginning i had starting off in Bristol,
so that being a big piece of how i’m still co-oping with things at this lovely new city i keep on using this feeling as an inspiration
which leads to the idea of creating something new…

Media futures! So before i knew my team or which team i would eventually end up working with i knew that i wanted a subject that if all agreed would show how it could bring so many different types of people and characters work together and create hopefully presentable work. At first i started out by searching online for some of Bristol’s thriving independent media scenes such as The Watershed Media Center, E3 media and many others!This really helped me to narrow down my first idea for this project which was to collectively gather information about some of these independent media productions company, set up a meeting with respective representatives of the said company and threw that interview with them gather enough footage to create a professional looking documentary no longer than four minutes and consist about how they see Bristol and its media landscape and how should we approach it as young filmmakers?To do this my group and i would have to book-out equipment so we could record the footage, the dialogue and then edit it all together to get the finished result.
My original groups name was none other than group 10!But by the time i was able to go in and work with that said group they had already began and almost finished their project with-out me(fully understandable) so i went and talked about it with my friend Shadrack who also was a student who came in late at this course and was in group 8 who had just started their project. I went to the uni found Abigail(one of the tutors) in the F block and asked her would it be alright to work with in another group for the Media futures project she said it was fine as long as the group doesn’t mind. I was pleased to work with group 8 even if my role was to do camera work because it really consisted on all that i had in-mind.NOT! These guys had a completely different point of view upon doing this project!the told me they wanted to do it more of a mockumentary than an actual documentary!To me this sounded as….THE BEST IDEA EVER!i liked the light sarcastic part of it!i enjoyed shooting it and creating a working relationship with my peers soon after this becoming my friends.

For the Mockumentary:  Click Here