
This was a lovely experience. to work on this project with the rest of the people on group D2 and find something we all had in-common.That was Castle park and so we chose it!

On the first day we met up we kind of wanted to do a love story after some brain storming i come up with the idea of a serial killer trying to give a sense of space in his tiny appartment where he kills his victims threw a series of rituals he performs including taking a photo of the victim just before he does what he does.we where going to shoot this the next day but the weather wasn’t taking a bus going to Bower Ashton friendly so no one went.The day after that someone in the group called the rest of us and told us we can’t use characters nor music voiceover or a general story.the rest of us had known that something like that where in the requirements so we decided to give a sense of space threw a place we all have the same feeling towards it. We talked about many places where some of us loved and others hated and this went on and on until a group member suggested castle park as a joke but not long after that this made sense to us all.2 days after that we met up in castle park where we took some photos, shot some footage of castle park and recorded sounds from all around.

Here are some pictures of the shooting day

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Group D2 – SISE Final


The final project had to be a 2 minute short film that explores a chosen location through a combination of sound, moving image and photography. We chose to shoot at “Castle park”. The reasons for choosing castle park is because it is the one place we all have incommon
we are all different to one another, with different backgrounds and identities but when its comes to where we like to hang out and relax.
When we started creating the idea for the 2 minute film we had discussions as a group, and ended up deciding that we wouldn’t use any extra music, or something that was not 100 % ours,Even the colorcorecting was very limited, and this was because we agreed that we should keep it as genuine as possible. Also because we where not allowed to use dialogue, voice-over or subtitles we thought that we are given a chance to create hopefully an experience of castle park with out having to be there and if done right the audience could be taken away and relax for just a minute or two. When we presented our work to the rest of our class i really believe that our goal was achieved.If we had more time and if from the very begining we had a better grasp at the projects requirements i believe we could have created an even better result with much more detail to both sound and image (moving and still), this way enhancing our intentions for our audiences experience in this project.

“Buddy” team Evaluation

By watching our buddy team’s project you notice the first person point of view.Though i’m not sure i fully understand the meaning just by seeing that one time i’ll give it a go by the notes i managed to take at the screening.It starts off with a fire alarm waking up the main character he then goes out to his levely town bristol and has fun.He then goes back home and falls to sleep his day now being done.His friends come knocking on his door but he can’t hear them. He later then opens his eyes because of the fire alarm but closes his eyes and falls to sleep fades to black and the room is then empty.Giving me to understand that the second time the fire alarm went off was an
actual fire.The shots where descent, the sounds where ok but did not sound as pre-recorded material. Story wise it was a bit confusing, perhaps they could have  chosen a story easier to tell threw out the period of 2 minutes or tried different approaches for a clearer understanding of the end.