Character Descriptions – of Cast and in Film – 7th May Hand In


Character descriptions of the cast

The actors we have worked with where friends of our own cameraman Niall and one of our own in crew Kyriakos Molivas/Domenic Moliva. His one friend Matias Greenwood and the other Tom Howell. Tom took the role of Alan a young fellow who owes money to some very dangerous people and Mat portrays a busker/musician who is broke and is living on the streets. Tom was very good to work with, he was quiet and open to suggestions to better his acting. If he had any questions he was not afraid to ask us. His style of acting was a really settle one. What i mean by this is that, most actors tend to overact and sometimes you have to ask them to supress that. In Toms case he would play his character so chill and mellow where at some points you feel that he is the one who is the heartless and ruthless dept collector. With his style he was able to put a twist on the character that none of us saw coming. In Mats case he was the complete oposite. He would not stop talking on set, he would overact, he wasn’t focused and oftenly was talking with somebody of set when we were about to shoot. Though again he was great at his role. Him beeing in constant motion all the time gave expressions to the character which made you feel sorry for him in a way you can’t hold back that “Aww” sound you make when you see puppys. Now our producer Domenic aka Kyriakos. He was playing the role of Bernard a cheesy off an old bad gangster movie character who collects dept and helps you collect it if you don’t have it. Domenic was also talktive on set but not whe rolling. He tried to give tips to the director, he always wanted the scene to be shot again and tried to help everyone with their jobs. He had a unique way of acting. He is a angryy but also happy person and that helped him give his character a funny but dangerous look. All in all they all did a great job and we thank them for their time to come and shoot this with us as this is really important to us.


Characters Description in the film

For the role of Alan
Alan is the main character in the film and he is a young man, skinny and at normal hight. He owes money to dangerous people. His character is a witty one. He is a problem solver. In tough situations he can think and tries to talk his way out of things. He’s not really a physical contact kind of guy and though he owes bad people money he is honest and kind of heart. At the end you see him realising that he should face his problems head on and that there is no need to involve others in them.

For the role of Bernard
Bernard in the film is a slight older man than Alan, he seems experienced at what he does, he’s build up and again at normal hight. He works for the dangerous people and in this case he is a dept collector. He is not very bright and finds it easier to resolve issues with his brute strength. He has a very chessy sense of humor and you often see him trying to portray some kind of old ganster movie mafia guy. He follows the orders he has blindly no matter what that might do to others.

For the role of The Musician
The Musician in the film is none other than a homeless guitarist who plays on the streets for money. He is an out of shape guy with old and dirty clothes. He has an old guitar which he uses to make money and get by every day. He was unfortunate in his life and that is how he enden up where he is now and as the film goes on you see that his luck isn’t the greatest still. He needs to get a ride across town and doesn’t have enough change on him, so he looks around and he sees a man holding a TAXI sign made out of cardboard over his head. He thinks that because of that he would be his easiest way of transportation. He is not very bright as well but a quick to response and reply.

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