
Whilst on the research for the Watershed i found that some of the questions i have sent to other companies who work on mostly producing the work rather than showcasing that the Watershed does, they don’t go that well together. For example i was able to find when the company was first created and by who as you’ll find in my “Bristol – My Media City” project page and this is because of the vast information that can be found online alone. But there are some questions that could be ask for the staff that work at Watershed such as does what you do make you happy?
So i have been jumping from page to page
to see if i can find somewhere a page that talks about the great work experience at the Watershed and i haven’t found much but what i figured out was. I was making the wrong question. It’s not the staff i should be searching about. But rather the artists who go and exhibit or even the audiences who have been at Watershed.
The search begins…
So after endless search i came across a different kind of watershed “The Watershed Residence” a place for drug addicts that helps over come their addictions. Probably not in the right place.
And i have found it! A video on youtube
Click Here to see it

that asks audiences and staff of the Watershed how do they find their experience there, and all answered with a certain respect and love if i may so for the place and how it brings awarness to the community.

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